une famille et des terroirs
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December 1st 2022:  A diner with Frédéric Calmels x Domaine Pellé

December 1st 2022: A diner with Frédéric Calmels x Domaine Pellé

December 1st will be the first edition of 'Soirée Vigneron' by Les Sources de Cheverny. We will be honoured to work with Frédéric Calmels, the executive chef of Le Favori, one-star Michelin and present you a 6-course wine dinner.  A selection of vintages (2012, 2015,...

Our tastings in October 2022

Our tastings in October 2022

October 17th: our agent in Lyon, TATANTANIN organizes his tasting at Blast Art, Ateliers Magonia,Lyon 9ème from 10pm - 07pm. Only for professionnals, by invitation       October 21st 03pm - 09pm and October 22nd 10am - 06pm: rencontres #19 by Emmanuel...

La Levée de la Loire 2022 – Saumur Edition!

La Levée de la Loire 2022 – Saumur Edition!

We are happy to announce you that we will attend La Levée de la Loire on March 6th and 7th in Saumur.Come to visit us, we are on G6!More information: https://laleveedelaloire.com/ Nos actus > Toutes les actus   les actus Facebook Contact Domaine Pellé18220...

The story of 2021 and our wishes for 2022

The story of 2021 and our wishes for 2022

2021. “Years ending in 1, years of none”, that’s what the old folk used to say. Everyone will interpret 2021 through the lens of this adage and, depending on how the year went for them, will either confirm, refute or modify it. For us, one thing is...

The 2020 story and our best wishes for 2021.

The 2020 story and our best wishes for 2021.

2020 : It has started to become the norm in the last few years... once again we didn’t get a real winter; lots of water on the other hand, which was good news considering the shortages of the past. In March, when the pandemic reared its ugly head, the world of man...

The story of 2019 and our best wishes for 2020.

The story of 2019 and our best wishes for 2020.

2019 : The winter and early days of spring were quite mixed in terms of weather – the temperatures were sometimes surprisingly high for a while before suddenly dropping again. These sharp drops in temperature, when they occur in late April or start May, can freeze the...

The story of 2018 and our best wishes for 2019.

The story of 2018 and our best wishes for 2019.

2018 : Winter had almost passed us by when in February, just as the apricot trees had started to blossom, we finally had a proper cold spell. Spring was not long in coming and by mid-April the vine had unfurled an abundance of delicate greenery. The frequent, heavy...

Our vines from the sky ….

Our vines from the sky ….

A tour at altitude. Our news > All the news  more news on Facebook Contact Domaine Pellé18220 MOROGUESTel. +33 (0)2 48 64 42 48 Open Monday to Friday : 9 - 12 AM / 1:30 - 5:30 PM Closure : Saturdays, Sundays and...

Harvest 2018.

Harvest 2018.

Behind the scenes of the 2018 harvest at Domaine Pellé. Harvesting took place over 16 days between the 5th and 22nd September. There were a few drops of rain on the last Friday but, apart from that, the weather was fine giving us lovely healthy grapes! A big thank you...

In May…

In May…

It’s the merry month of May! Spring 2018 is being kind to us, a bit of cold weather, but not enough to keep us awake at night in worry. The vineyards are in good shape with the emergence of plenty of even clusters, which means that we will be carrying out some...


domaine Pellé
Tel. +33 (0)2 48 64 42 48

Open (tasting and shop) Monday to Friday : 9 - 12 am / 1:30 - 5:30 pm. 

Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays

You can also find our wines a few kilometers from Morogues at the Art Gallery LaBo24 - 24 Rte d'Henrichemont, 18250 La Borne

//!\\ The gallery will close its doors for the winter.

Re-opening for winter holidays, Feb 15th & 16th and Feb 22nd & 23rd, 01:30 -05:30 PM.

Tastings on the wine estate

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